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Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4 | Stage 5
Generally, Radirgy is a caravan and bomb-heavy STG that rewards you for the damage you output.
The tools you have at your disposal are the weapon and body you select, and the slash, shield, and ABSnet that your ship, Kojiro, is equipped with.
Weapon and body are hugely personal preference. Superplays prefer laser and the fastest (5-star) body, but these may make your early runs harder!
ABSnet is your "bomb", or screen clearing attack. It deploys a net around you that deals damage and absorbs any bullets, adding them to your score multiplier gauge, before clearing the screen.
Your slash deals extra damage, destroys nonsolid bullets, and slightly fills the ABSnet gauge.
Your shield is only deployed when not attacking, or when you collect a power-up collectible at max power. Use this to bypass waves of bullets you can't dodge!
NIACO says:
During your run, focus on clearing each wave, or "caravan" of enemies, to gain score and build ABS faster - both throughout the stages and during boss fights.
Herr Schatten (Apr 07, 2006) says:
Did anyone notice that you get fewer enemies if you turn off the in-game dialogue?
With the dialogue disabled you only get the big bonus enemies which appear to fill the "gap" after you beat a midboss rather than letting him time out. With the dialogue enabled formations of standard enemies accompany them.
It's almost as if the game rewards you for enduring the dialogue sequences with the opportunity to score a few more points. :)
NIACO says:
Lay on top of the cargo ships, slash them, and activate ABS over their cargo to hugely increase your score multiplier.
NIACO says:
Regular extends are at 8 million and 16 million points, but some folks have found a "secret extend" in this stage before you hit 8 mil... You'll likely need to be hit once for this (and secret extends in other stages).
nZero (Mar 22, 2006) says:
You can destroy the midboss for bonus multiplier!
Go in with a full ABS barrier. When he appears, start shooting but move back to avoid the slash-wave attack, then move up to point blank range while waiting for him to form the options. Just keep him in sword range. The bullets he shoots radially outward when you get close are easy to avoid, the important thing is just knowing they're coming ;)
When the options appear, move into a position where you're doing damage to them as much as possible. As soon as they begin firing, ABS and continue attacking. After ABS wears off, you can still stay close by just moving with the pattern and using the holes the destructible bullets leave (assuming you haven't made a giant hole by destroying most of the options) to keep attacking the options and body. This should have mostly or completely refilled your ABS. Cut down the funnels/bits for the rest of the blue pills you need, wait for his bullet spray attack, and then use ABS again with full point blank sword/shot fury. If he doesn't die here, you can shoot him down during his moving slash-wave attack with the damage you've been doing.
Herr Schatten (May 24, 2006) says:
Sit right on top of his antenna and slash/point blank it. The boss will start moving to the right first. Don't move at all! The bullets will all miss you. When the boss moves to the left, activate the ABS and finish off the antenna. After that, just sit in the middle right on top of the boss and keep slashing/firing. Activate the ABS whenever too many bullets from the support ships come your way. You should be able to destroy the boss before he fires his nasty spreads of orange needle bullets.
Twiddle (Mar 05, 2006) says:
During the large caravans of carrier ships: Start your ABS up while the middle of the first virus carrier ships start to show up then move there and keep swinging and shooting (leaving your shield on is no longer necessary at this point)
The insane anount of bullets you're deflecting should keep your multiplier up and the insane amount of ships you're destroying should recharge your ABS meter before your current ABS bomb ends
nZero (Mar 18, 2006) says:
Fourth midboss is going to involve some dodging. Try to go in with a full ABS, and when the pattern of rotating shots begins activate the ABS net and cut at the bits/funnels/options that are shooting to destroy them and get blue pills.
I've had some luck on the 4th boss by sitting on the antenna to destroy all of the parts rapidly, then sitting between the square areas on top of him that emit the orange pointy shots in a rotating pattern. Cut away with the sword, and start the ABS when the orange shots are about to converge on you. With a good rhythm you can keep it so you have ABS ready each time the orange shots are about to become a threat.
Herr Schatten (Apr 07, 2006) says:
Boss: Start the battle by positioning yourself on the left edge of the street before the boss even appears. This way you can inflict some damage at the appropriate spot when the boss rushes by the first time. When he comes back, sit right on top of the lower end of the left "tail", right next to the antenna. Point blank the thing and keep swinging your sword. Dodge the occasional stray bullet by moving up or down just slightly. After a few seconds the tail will explode. Immediately go to the right side and do the same with the other tail. Watch it closely. When it swings to the right, hit your ABS net, because the tail will emit those nasty yellow bullets. The tail should be destroyed before the ABS wears off. Now, back to the left side. Sit on top of the antenna and point blank/swing until it's destroyed.
Herr Schatten (Apr 03, 2006) says:
With the shield you don't have to worry about the midboss's slash attack and the circular spread of light blue bullets. Just close in on the midboss and point blank him while swinging your sword like mad. Back away slightly when he produces his options, because that's the point when your shield will disappear. After that, use the same strategy as with the other midbosses: When the options flash, use the ABS to close in again and slash/point blank him. What makes the fifth midboss much easier than the others is that his options don't move, so you always hit them well, which almost immediately recharges your ABS. Repeat until he dies.
NIACO says:
If you've collected nearly every ground pickup in the game (250+), no matter what mode you're playing, you'll have a chance to collect a MILESTONE/Sakura logo for a life refill! Shoot at the fork in the train tracks to find it.